Grow with Us

Education & Ministries

Weekday School
Children, Youth, College, Adult & Senior Adult Ministries
Music Ministry



Opportunities for education, fellowship and spiritual growth for all ages, at First Presbyterian Church of Athens.


Children’s Ministry

Infants through Grade 5

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them;
for it is to such as these that the kingdom of Heaven belongs.” - Matthew 19:14

Children are a blessing from God and are a very important part of the First Presbyterian Church Family. We value children and their relationship with God and seek to provide a nurturing community where all children can grow spiritually. We use the Godly Play philosophy and curriculum to help guide us as we support our children on their spiritual journey. We look forward to welcoming your children as we gather together in our Circle of Wonder on Sunday mornings!


Contact Hannah Knight, Director of Children and Youth Ministries for more information.

Godly Play

Youth Ministry

Grades 6 through 12

Welcome to youth ministry at First Presbyterian Church of Athens! Our youth group is a fun, active, welcoming group, and we hope you will join us.

Our youth are fortunate to have their own special space, lovingly called “The PIT”, located on the basement level of the church. The PIT features small group break-out rooms, a kitchen, pool tables and comfortable couches to just hang out.  We gather here on Sunday nights for middle school and high school youth groups, a time of fellowship, reflection and discussion about how our faith shapes our lives. Each year our also youth plan and lead a worship service on Youth Sunday. In the summers, we take a break from our Sunday programming to go to Montreat Youth Conference, Middle School Montreat, and Mission Trips. 


Sunday School (9:45 a.m.) - offered for both middle and high school

Both middle and high school groups will be using the Living the Word curriculum, that closely follows the narrative lectionary that guides our worship each week. Middle and high schoolers will be split into separate rooms in the PIT for a time of study, discussion, and response.

Youth Group (5:30-7 p.m.)

Sunday night youth group is a safe space for youth to come as they are! We will begin with dinner together in the fellowship hall (to volunteer to provide a meal, please click here). At 6:00 p.m., both middle and high school groups will move down to the PIT where there will be games, Bible study, creative response time, and lots of laughs as we spend an intentional hour together. The theme for this year is “In Every Season,” rooted in Ecclesiastes 3:1-8. We will spend time diving into what it looks like to trust & see God in every season, and learning to be okay with asking questions about our faith.


March 2025 Youth Ministry Calendar

Contact Hannah Knight, Director of Children and Youth Ministries for more information.


College Ministry

For Any Local Area College Students

“Just a stone’s throw from the University of Georgia, First Presbyterian Church of Athens has a unique and exciting opportunity to offer hospitality and spiritual formation to students and young adults in Athens.”

Though we have students from several local colleges and universities who are a part of our church programs, our primary ministry to students is through our partnership with the The Table at the University of Georgia (formerly Presbyterian Student Center).

We are also fortunate to be an internship site for The Table students each year, undergraduate students and recently graduated students in the Athens area who are exploring calling and vocation to Christian ministry by serving in local congregations. We are so glad to have them blessing our church with their many gifts and graces.

The Table at UGA:

1250 S. Lumpkin St., Athens GA, 30605
Phone: (706) 548-5932
Email The Table at UGA


Adult Ministry

Open to All Adults

“Through our groups for adults— for men, women, and parents—meeting both at the church and in member homes or other venues, there are opportunities for every adult to grow at First Presbyterian Church of Athens!”

At First Presbyterian Church of Athens, there are many opportunities for education and fellowship, including Sunday School and other types of classes or discussion groups, sporting teams, special concerts, retreats and much more.

Adult Sunday School: FPC offers a variety of classes which nurture our faith. There are opportunities to learn about scripture, theology, Christian discipleship, our community, and more while making new friends and deepening old friendships. You can find more information about classes here.

Josephine Paine Bible Study: This Bible Study meets at 10:00 am on the second and fourth Thursday of each month, September through May. We study the text for the upcoming Sunday sermon.

Wed@First:  In the Fall and Spring, FPC offers a selection of educational and fellowship opportunities through our Wed@First programs which occur before and after dinner.

Women’s Ministry: All women are invited to participate in Presbyterian Women (PW) by joining a circle (small group) for study, support, and service. We take a group annually to the Women’s Connection Conference at Montreat in August.

Men’s Ministry: FPC offers several opportunities for men to enrich their spirituality and to fellowship with other church members, including Men’s Bible Study and FPC Basketball and Softball Teams.


Please contact the church office for current information on Adult Education and Fellowship opportunities at FPC:
Phone: (706) 543-4338
Email the FPC Office

Adult Sunday School:
9:45 AM to 10:40 AM


Senior Adult Ministry

For Members Over Age 55

“We love our senior members of First Presbyterian Church of Athens, and we offer special educational and fellowship opportunities for our Senior Adults.”

Prime Time Presbyterians (PTPs): Prime Time Presbyterians (PTPs) usually meet monthly for outings and get-togethers around food and programming.

The Mellows: The Mellows are a choir comprised of Adults and Seniors that perform a unique ministry by traveling on Thursday afternoons to sing in assisted living and retirement communities and nursing homes in the Athens, Georgia area.

Senior Adult Sunday: An annual worship service and reception, typically in August, give honor and enjoyment to our senior adult members.

Christmas Tea: This annual festive tea party is held at the church with an inspirational holiday program and carol singing led by the Mellows.


For more information about services and programs available to Senior Adults,
Contact the church office

Adult Sunday School:
9:45 to 10:40 a.m.

Music Ministry at FPC

Music Ministry

First Presbyterian Church is rooted in a historical and liturgical worship tradition that connects us to generations of believers. The music in our worship, including hymns, anthems, solos, and instrumental music, is an offering of praise, thanks, and prayer to God.

Musical opportunities are available at First Presbyterian Church of Athens for all ages. Contact FPC Music Director, Dr. John Coble, for more information.

First Presbyterian Church of Georgia Chancel Choir

College-aged and above

Wednesdays, 6:30-8:00 p.m., Room 202.

Sings for:
11:00 a.m. Sunday worship services and special services, including Christmas Eve, Ash Wednesday and Maundy Thursday, and occasionally presents major choral works with orchestra.

The Handbell Choir at First Presbyterian Church of Athens

All positions currently filled*

Mondays, 5:30-6:30 p.m., Room 205.

Handbell Choir plays First Presbyterian’s three octave set of Schulmerich handbells.

*Positions may become available, and other handbell choirs may be formed in the future; contact Dr. John Coble for more information.

Celebration Singers at First Presbyterian Church of Athens

Grade 6 – Grade 12

Sundays, 4:20-4:55 p.m., Room 202

Sings for:
11:00 a.m. Sunday worship services, including Lessons & Carols and the annual Youth Sunday service. Celebration Singers have taken domestic and international tours, and often attend the Montreat Worship and Music Summer Conference.

St. Andrews Choir at FPC

Grade 2 – Grade 5

Sundays, 3:30-4:15 p.m., and Wednesdays (on Wed@First evenings), 5:00-5:30 p.m., Room 202.

Sings for:
11:00 a.m. Sunday worship services and special services. The St. Andrews Choir uses a Chorister Training Program based on the Voice for Life/RSCM scheme specifically adapted for our use. Choir members receive training in music reading, vocal skills, worship and liturgy, as well as general responsibilities of being a choir member (attendance, caring for robes and music, being respectful and supportive of others, and being leaders in worship). For each level of the program completed, the sing will be awarded a medal and ribbon.

The goal of the Chorister Training Program is to provide a positive, structured learning environment where singers learn about music, singing, worship, teamwork, stewardship, responsibility, and respect, while gaining confidence in themselves, and offering their best to God in worship..

FPC Cherub Choir

Grade 1 / Age 4

Sundays, 3:30-4:15 p.m., Room 203.

Sings for:
The Christmas Pageant in December, on Palm Sunday, and on other special occasions. The Cherub Choir learns the basics of music through singing, movement, and playing instruments. 

First Presbyterian Church of Athens, The Mellows

Adults & Seniors


Sings for:
The Mellows perform a unique ministry by traveling on Thursday afternoons to sing in assisted living and retirement communities and nursing homes in the Athens, Georgia area.

First Presbyterian Church of Athens Instrumentalists

All levels and ages

Needed for:
Instrumentalists are needed at First Presbyterian Church of Athens to accompany choirs, play in ensembles, and as soloists in our worship services.

You may also be interested in reading “What Was I Thinking? / Notes and Background on Music in Worship,” a series of written articles explaining the process of planning music for worship, or “How Can I Keep From Singing? / Hymns at Home,a series about using hymns and hymnals at home for personal devotion and singing:


Weekday School

At First Presbyterian Church of Athens

Established in 1966, this church preschool program, for children ages 3 months to 5 years, incorporates the best in classic early childhood education with Montessori theory incorporated, all in an atmosphere of Christian learning. We deal with the whole child, and his or her needs for social, physical, intellectual, emotional, spiritual, and creative growth. Students and teachers share the view that LEARNING IS FUN! It is our goal to provide these opportunities for growth to the children of our community, developing healthy well rounded children in the process. Our program is open to any child in the greater Athens, Georgia community and does not discriminate on the basis of race or religion. Those with physical or other disabilities will be considered on an individual basis.

School Hours

Weekday School: M-F 8:45 AM until 12:00 PM
Lunch Bunch: M-F extends to 1:00 PM for ages 2+

Connect With FPC Weekday School

For Information and Registration:

Connect with Weekday School on Social Media:

Contact The Weekday School:
(706) 549-8677
Weekday School Email

Contact Director Elaine Johnson:
(706) 206-8180
Director Email