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Find Us
First Presbyterian Church of Athens
185 East Hancock Avenue
Athens, GA 30601
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Church Office & Parking
170 E. Dougherty St.
(706) 543-4338
Parking Map
Weekday School
Livestream & Sermon Archive
FPC YouTube Video • FPC Facebook Video (Livestreaming & Worship Archives)
Technical Information for Viewing FPC Livestreams
Recent Sermons (PDFs, Audio and Video Files)
Church Life App
For more information, go to the Member Login page, or simply download the app using the links below, and enter your desired email/password.
FPC’s Church Number is: 90041
For church members, download the app for:
Android • iPhone/Mac
FPC Calendar
If there is an event that you feel should be on the FPC Master Calendar, please complete this email request.

Useful Contacts and Information
FPC Staff Contacts
Senior Pastor:
Dr. Ryan Baer
Associate Pastor:
The Rev. Whitney Booth Lockard
Parish Associate:
The Rev. Margaret Davis
Director of Music:
Dr. John Coble
Director of Children and Youth Ministry:
Hannah Knight
Office Administrator:
Lucy Bell Johnson
Director of Communications:
Paulo Santos
Church Accountant:
Jennifer Adams
Joli Winstanley
Weekday School Director:
Elaine Johnson
Weekday School Administrative Assistant:
Marcy Fabris
Sign Up for FPC Emails
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Photo Archive
Links to First Presbyterian Church of Athens Photo Galleries:
Facebook • Rick Simpson’s Online Gallery • Dave Beck’s Online Gallery
Thank you to church photographers: Karen Phillips and Mike Waldrip.
Prayer Requests
First Presbyterian Church is committed to praying for the needs of our congregation, community, and the world. We believe prayer can be a powerful source of healing and comfort that brings us closer to God. If you have a special concern that you would like us to pray about, please e-mail or call the church office at (706) 543-4338.
@First Newsletters
Read the latest seasonal newsletters from First Presbyterian Church of Athens:
Helpful Links
The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Our denomination’s official website.
Northeast Georgia Presbytery Our church’s regional presbytery.
Montreat Conference Center FPC’s favorite retreat center, near Asheville, N.C.
What We Believe What Presbyterians Believe.
Get the Daily Prayer Mobile Application
Daily Devotions Daily Devotions especially for students
Reading List Bible Readings from the Common Lectionary
FPC Volunteer Background Check (please e-mail Jennifer Adams)
Spotlight on Matthew 25
“The Matthew 25 initiative is a systemic answer to the exhortations of multiple General Assemblies for the PC-USA to act boldly and compassionately to serve people who are hungry, oppressed, imprisoned, and poor. It returns to scripture to examine what was important to Christ, shaping ministry for today and tomorrow. It casts a bold vision and an invitation to be actively engaged in the world in fresh, relevant ways: 1) to eradicate systemic poverty, 2) to dismantle structural racism, and 3) to build congregational vitality. Just as sin is corporate, so too is this reformation. We join with the entire Presbytery of Charlotte, where I was nurtured in faith, and connect to the mission work already underway in 812 congregations, 63 Presbyteries, 9 synods, and 41 other groups. The movement has just begun. I encourage you to visit the website to better understand the movement’s 3 components and explore the well of resources. Then, please watch this brief, moving video of testimony from the Matthew 25 congregation at Knox Presbyterian Church in Louisville, KY.
The more I learn about the work of this broad and deep initiative, the more grateful I am that our session has joined our congregation to this holy labor that will surely re-invigorate our faith, our church, and her mission. How will you help our church propel this movement forward?
May God bless you and our church in this labor of love, with hope in Christ, by the power of the Holy Spirit moving through us!”
— Margaret Fulghum Davis, Parish Associate