Our Friends in Strong Branch Hollow Need Our Help


Dear friends,

Beginning in 1983 and continuing for over twenty years, youth from First Presbyterian Church—working under the direction of member and contractor, Roy Bell, traveled each summer to Strong Branch Hollow, an impoverished mountain community near the small town of Hazard, Kentucky. There they made repairs and helped to upgrade houses. Recently, flooding devastated that part of Kentucky, damaging or destroying buildings throughout the area.

Along with church member Daniel Epting, Roy began raising money and acquiring materials, and together they loaded Daniel’s van with a wide variety of supplies. They also took cash, for they knew the families there would be unable to afford school clothes, tools, and other essentials of everyday life.

At its meeting last Sunday afternoon, members of our Mission and Outreach Commission voted to allocate $2,000 from its contingency fund and to appeal to members of the congregation to contribute toward the effort to assist our friends in Strong Branch Hollow to rebuild their homes and reclaim their lives.

If you would like to help, you can mail a check to church office (memo line "Kentucky Mission")  or give online (please select “Kentuckymission” under “Select a Fund").

Thank you for your generosity!

Mission and Outreach Commission


Food Sunday, September 4


Welcome Rev. Leigh Bonner!