Resources for Lent 2025 at FPC
This year, we are excited to offer a Lenten resource called Everything in Between: Meeting God in the Midst of Extremes, which will follow the same texts from Luke’s gospel that we will be reading and exploring in worship. This study invites us to navigate the polarities of life with faith, intention, and openness – each week explores two supposed binaries, like “faith & works” or “grief & hope.” In and through these stories of scripture, we will seek God’s presence in the in-between spaces.
We are offering a daily Lenten devotional prompt via email and social media, as well as an opportunity gather mid-week for a Lenten Lunch study using a weekly devotional booklet (please contact Whitney or Paulo to get access to the booklet). Bring your lunch to the Staff Conference Room at 12:30 on Thursdays or join us via Zoom (ID: 706-543-1820) as we journey through Lent together.