Small Groups


This fall, we will begin convening short-term, topic-based small groups. These groups are different from Sunday school classes in that they require a bit more commitment, either for attendance, for reading, or for both.

Small groups will meet weekly in the church building or on Zoom starting the week of September 17, and most will have their last meeting during the week of November 12 (9 weeks). Some groups may choose to meet for a few more sessions before the end of the year.

Unlike Sunday school classes, small groups will ask for a bit more commitment. Some might have reading to do before the meetings, and others require no preparation at all. Groups can take a break for a week if needed, but you will be encouraged to meet weekly to maintain a sense of community. Groups can choose to require/encourage reading ahead of time, or leaders can select a passage of a book or other resource to read and discuss together during the meeting.

Click here to read more and choose a group based on your schedule and interest.

Please read each description carefully, and rank your choice of small group based on time and topic. If we are unable to place you in your first choice group, we will place you in your second choice and so on. If we have to eliminate a group that is too small, we will place you in your second choice and so on. For the DISCIPLE Bible Study, only the time with the most registrants will be offered. If you’d like to participate in the DISCIPLE study with less commitment, the Builders Sunday school class will offer the same curriculum on Sunday mornings, with no RSVP required.

We will inform you of your group assignment on Wednesday, September 6, and you will have until Thursday, September 7, to accept or decline your group and pay for resources, if applicable.

Here is the calendar plan for Fall 2023 small groups:

Sign-up deadline – Tuesday, September 5
Communication regarding group assignments – Wednesday, September 6
Deadline to accept or decline group assignment – Thursday, September 7
Small groups begin meeting – week of September 17
Final week of small group meetings – week of November 12

If we are unable to place you in a group you can join this fall, we plan to offer more options in the spring, so please contact Rev. Leigh Bonner ( to give feedback on days, times, and topics for the future.


Food Sunday


Weekly Word - Sunday, August 27, 2023