Stewardship: An act of joyful worship
Dear Friends,
On Commitment Sunday, we walked together to the front of the sanctuary to place our Estimate of Giving cards in a basket on the Communion table, symbolizing our individual and collective acknowledgement that the material gifts we enjoy are but tangible evidence of God’s abundant love for us. Our gifts reflect the truth of John 3:16 – that God first loved and then gave. We give in response to God’s love for us. And we do so joyfully as an act of worship.
We are grateful for the 140 households who have provided an Estimate of Giving. If you have not, please prayerfully consider doing so. Having a reliable estimate of your financial gifts allows the Session to prepare an accurate budget for 2025.
You may click here to print a copy of the commitment card or here to fill out an online form. If you have any questions about setting up an automatic gift through your bank, please contact the church accountant, Jennifer Adams, at or call 706-543-4338.
Chuck Toney
Generosity Team