Wed@First Fall 2024
Wed@First provides an opportunity to experience Christian fellowship and growth in a relaxed atmosphere. It includes Shakespeare and Friends Iliad class (4:30 p.m.), dinner (5:30 p.m.), and choir rehearsal. This fall, you are invited to join us for a new program, LIFT (Living in Faith Together) which will be during the dinner time. Chancel Choir will rehearse from 6:30-8:00 p.m.
LIFT - Living in Faith Together
On 11/20, join us for a new offering called LIFT (Living in Faith Together). In the 5:30-6:30 hour, participants of all ages will gather at tables to play together, break bread together, study God’s word together, and pray together. The program coincides with the meal and we will close in time for choir members to attend rehearsal. This is a great way for us to get to know people outside our regular circles and grow together as followers of Christ. All are invited to participate!
Please RSVP for dinner in the Atrium, online, or by contacting the church office e-mail or call 706-543-4338 by Mondays at 12:00 p.m. Price is $12/person and a $45/family max (complimentary for children 5 and under).