Advent Book Study


You are invited to join FPC on a journey through Advent: Home By a Different Way! One path you can take on the journey is “traveling” through Advent with our small group book study. We will be journeying together through the daily devotion book Advent in Plain Sight by Jill Duffield. Rev. Leigh Bonner, Interim Associate Pastor, will facilitate discussion. Come join us on the journey!

Dates: Each Wednesday in Advent (Wednesday, November 30-Wednesday December 21) at 12:30 p.m. in Moses Waddel Room and 7:00 p.m. on Zoom. (ID: 865 9124 3724, Password: 185185)

The same theme and format will be offered at both times on the same Wednesday.

Please RSVP here. You can purchase your copy of the book for about $10-12 online. If you need assistance purchasing a book, please e-mail Jen Sunderlin. If you have any questions about the study, please e-mail Leigh.


Thornwell Offering, November 20


FPC is hiring!