Sharing the Love - Quarterly Mission & Outreach Update - 02/15/2022

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

I want to take a minute of your time to say thank you for your generosity when it comes to the Mission and Outreach of First Presbyterian Church. There are many hurting people in this world and, because of this Mission and Outreach Commission asks many times over for support throughout the year. What is being done could not be done without your support.

Here is an update for end of the year contributions:

- Gift giving for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's Meals on Wheels food and delivery was $2,120.00. Thank You!

- Forty-four giving family units gave $14,477.75 at the benevolence market. This benefited 26 different non-profit organizations. Thank You!

- On December 19th, the Christmas Joy Offering was collected and $1,268.00 was distributed to Presbyterian Church USA to support Presbyterian leadership in their time of need. Thank You!

- At our Christmas Eve services, $3,765.00 was given to People for Partner and Place. This is a mission in Haiti that is doing marvelous work training Haitian farmers in farming practices. Thank You!

- Also at our Christmas Eve service, diapers were collected for the Athens Area Diaper Bank. Three carloads of diapers were donated and given to the diaper bank. Thank You!

- Lastly, 5 members of First Presbyterian Church have been working each Thursday since the beginning of December with Habitat and Family Promise to refurbish a quadruplex housing unit to enable families to transition out of homelessness. Thank You! This work will continue through March. If anyone would like to help paint, please let me know or if you would like to help your Mission and Outreach Commission plan these events, please contact me 205-790-6499.

Peace and Blessings,

Mark Hopkins
Chair, Mission and Outreach Commission


Congratulations and Godspeed to Roger Burbage!


Red Cross Blood Drive Update