Youth Sunday and Annual Congregational Meeting, February 4


Join us next Sunday, February 4 for Youth Sunday. Following the 11:00 a.m. service, please join us in Fellowship Hall for the Annual Congregational Meeting. 

Each year, our youth lead worship for the congregation, which includes selecting a theme, writing liturgy, giving the message, and sharing their musical talents. We have an amazing group of high schoolers who are looking forward to worshiping with you.

After worship, our middle schoolers will be preparing and serving lunch for the Annual Congregational Meeting in Fellowship Hall. In support of the Souper Bowl of Caring, we invite you to join us for a lovingly prepared meal of soup and sandwiches. As part of the fundraiser, youth will be collecting donations in large soup pots to help cover the coast of lunch, with all extra proceeds benefiting the Souper Bowl of Caring. Cash, check and online giving accepted. 

At the Annual Congregational Meeting, we’ll receive the 2023 annual report, hear from the session about ministry plans for 2024, and we’ll elect a class of officers to their respective terms.


Classic City Marathon this weekend, road closures


Food Sunday, February 4