An Update on Public Health Protocols at First Presbyterian Church of Athens - 2/23/2022

February 23, 2022

Dear friends in Christ,

We rejoice and give thanks to God that the latest wave of virus cases has subsided significantly in recent weeks! 

The Athens-Clarke County Commission’s declaration of a local emergency contains an indoor mask ordinance that is in force when the Centers for Disease Control reports a seven-day case rate of 100 or greater cases per 100,000 residents. As of Tuesday, February 22, the CDC reported a seven-day case rate for Athens-Clarke County of 96.63. Therefore, the local indoor mask ordinance is not presently in force. Of course FPC members and friends may continue to do as their conscience leads them regarding the wearing of masks, but they are not required by local ordinance. 

As we walk together toward the end of the pandemic, let us keep before us the words of Ephesians as we “bear with one another in love, making every effort to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.”

May the peace of Christ be with you and yours,

Dr. Ryan Baer, Senior Pastor


A 40 Day Journey with Matthew 25


Congratulations and Godspeed to Roger Burbage!